Fashion hacks stolen from short It girls

It’s great to look for fashion and style inspiration on celebs – that’s what they’re there for. But when choosing your fashion guru take into consideration not only their killer style, but also (and maybe even more importantly) whether they resemble your beauty and body type. You know, what works for tall and blond girl won’t necessarily look good on petit, dark haired person.

And once you know your fashion role models watch them carefully, still what’s best and make it work in your favour.

Here are some fashion hacks I learnt from petit celebrities known for their taste and style. You can thank me later.

  1. Choose the right cut and mind the proportions

That full length trench coat you dreamt about feels like you inherited it from older sister? Ditch the idea of getting it and go for a short version or for a trench jacket. This way you will even out your body proportions, give yourself an instant inch or two and won’t feel like you’re drowning in it. Basically cropped tops and jackets paired with high waisted bottoms will work miracles for you.

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